Page 1 - Reviews - Squip, Nasaline, Nasal Rinsing System, 50 Premixed Packets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Jun 20, 2024
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The Nasaline Nasal Rinsing System is an effective drug-free solution for clearing nasal congestion and providing relief from allergies, colds, flu, and sinus infections. It uses a saline solution to gently flush out mucus, crusty secretions, and allergens from the nasal passages. The system includes a nasal irrigator and premixed saline packets for convenience. Key Features Easy to use nasal irrigator with a soft, latex-free silicone tip for comfort Allows control over flow and pressure for optimal effectiveness The Nasaline Nasal Rinsing System does not contain any added scents or fragrances. The premixed saline packets are designed to be as close to natural saline solution as possible, without any artificial additives or scents.The lack of scent is intentional, as many people with nasal congestion, allergies, or sinus issues can be sensitive to strong fragrances or perfumes. The unscented nature of the saline solution ensures that it does not cause any further irritation or discomfort to the nasal passages.While some nasal rinse products may include essential oils or menthol for a mild scent or cooling sensation, Nasaline has opted for a pure, unscented saline solution to cater to a wider range of users, including those with sensitivities or preferences for fragrance-free products.The absence of scent allows the user to focus solely on the primary purpose of the nasal rinse, which is to gently flush out mucus, allergens, and other irritants from the nasal cavity, providing relief and promoting better breathing.